WSH Campaign 2017

 In 2017

Straits Construction Singapore’s Workplace Safety and Health Campaign 2017 (WSH Campaign 2017) was held from 20 March to 24 March 2017 at various sites and at Toolbox at 12 Tuas South Street 12. This week-long WSH Campaign had promotional activities lined up on each of the days on sites with the final day event at Toolbox.

Straits Construction Singapore’s WSH Campaigns and Productivity & Innovation Weeks (PIW) will run on a biennial basis. The WSH Campaign covers all employees, including those working in the worksites as well as those in the functional and supporting departments at Toolbox and Head Office.

The WSH Campaign 2017 started on 20 March 2017 at the Bukit Merah RC53 site and continued with WSH promotional activities at the Bukit Merah C50, Yishun N4C17 and Sophia Hills sites. The activities conducted included WSH Exhibitions, Poster and Quiz competitions and presentation of Best WSH Workers and Supervisors awards. All WSH promotional activities garnered very strong employees and subcontractors’ participation.

The final day event for the WSH Campaign 2017 was graced by members from Ministry of Manpower, WSH Council, WSH Institute, Surbana Jurong, Singapore Contractors Association Ltd (SCAL) and many other business partners. The event started with a visit to the WSH Exhibition and Poster displays, followed by visits to the WSH Games and Fringe Activities which included the Instant Photo booth, spinal screening for staff/workers and health screening for staff and a health/wellness talk by health specialist.

The programme started with a lively WSH-themed opening performance. This continued with a welcome speech by Director (Projects), Mr James Ng Robertson, followed by the keynote speech by CEO/Group Managing Director, Mr Wong Chee Herng. CEO emphasized everyone must adopt a mind-set that can prevent all injuries and ill health at work and to step up efforts to prevent accidents before they happen. All need to do their best so that everyone can go home safe and healthily. After the keynote speech, CEO launched the WSH Pledge and was signed by all Straits Construction’s directors and managers to demonstrate their commitment for WSH goals.

The programme followed with a WSH themed drama competition shortlisted from 3 workers’ teams to demonstrate the importance of WSH while working and to show the love for their Families. The winning teams were selected by a panel of judges after their fantastic and meaningful performances on the stage. Prizes were then presented to various winners.

In this WSH Campaign 2017, the management had demonstrated clear commitment and responsibility in ensuring no harm to our workers in the course of work and urged all to strengthen the WSH Culture in, and implement enhanced WSH management system to protect, promote and monitor workplace safety and health in Straits Construction Singapore. The WSH Campaign 2017 had effectively communicated the WSH goals to staff, subcontractors and workers so that everyone was clear and complied with the same high standards.

The theme for this year’s Campaign was “A Healthy Workforce in a Safe Workplace”. It was a timely reminder that having a safe and healthy work environment was everyone’s responsibility. It was an integrated approach to manage safety, health and well-being.